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Universities & Colleges

We offer an excellent value for your money with particular emphasis on recruitment, counseling and placement of suitably qualified Nigerian students who are able and willing to study in overseas institutions of higher learning, in countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, United States of America, Germany, Australia, Holland, Ireland etc.

Trending Courses

We have offices staffed by highly knowledgeable team to give help and guidance to able and willing Nigerian students planning to study abroad. We are committed to providing a high quality, value for money, professional services; while our partner schools have been carefully selected to provide a wide range of courses that suit every need.


We are especially qualified to undertake this task because we understand the educational systems of these countries very well and we have on board a team of highly dedicated and experienced staff who will ensure a smooth journey to your study destination.


Stephil Consults

Stephil Consults was registered in 2005 as a division of Absolute Desire Services Nigeria Limited, a company incorporated in Nigeria in 2003. As one of the fastest growing international education consultancy services in Nigeria, Stephil Consults is engaged in the business of education management. We have offices staffed by highly knowledgeable team to give help and guidance to able and willing Nigerian students planning to study abroad. We are committed to providing a high quality, value for money, professional services; while our partner schools have been carefully selected to provide a wide range of courses that suit every need.


Universities & Colleges


Certified Courses


Enrolled Students


Education Awards

Upgrading your profile and gaining a competitive edge in today’s highly competitive job market

Learning from the best professors in your field of study & world-class academia

Conducive and highly supportive learning environment



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